#Global heating

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4 weeks ago
OMG science

Termination shock': cut in ship pollution sparked global heating spurt

The sharp reduction in shipping pollution in 2020 unintentionally led to a significant increase in global heating, revealing new insights into the impact of sulphur emissions on climate change. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Never-ending' UK rain made 10 times more likely by climate crisis, study says

Human-caused global heating made UK and Ireland's wet winter 10 times more likely and 20% wetter, showcasing severe consequences. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Impossible' heatwave struck Philippines in April, scientists find

Record-breaking heatwave in the Philippines linked to the climate crisis, exacerbating existing humanitarian crises globally. [ more ]
2 months ago
OMG science

Global heating and urbanisation to blame for severity of UAE floods, study finds

Fossil fuels and concrete worsened recent record flooding in the UAE and Oman due to human-caused climate disruption.
Downpours in El Nino years became 10-40% heavier, turning roads into rivers, causing 23 deaths and substantial damage.
Cloud seeding was not a significant factor in the extreme rainfall event; the main cause was attributed to global heating from burning fossil fuels. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

Red alert': last year was hottest on record by clear margin, says UN report

The world is close to breaching the 1.5C global heating limit
2023 was the hottest year on record by a clear margin, breaking multiple records for key climate indicators. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

Are we stressing the wrong metrics for climate change?

Climate change needs urgent attention and improved communication.
Distinguishing between global heating and warming is crucial for understanding climate change. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
OMG science

Termination shock': cut in ship pollution sparked global heating spurt

The sharp reduction in shipping pollution in 2020 unintentionally led to a significant increase in global heating, revealing new insights into the impact of sulphur emissions on climate change. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Never-ending' UK rain made 10 times more likely by climate crisis, study says

Human-caused global heating made UK and Ireland's wet winter 10 times more likely and 20% wetter, showcasing severe consequences. [ more ]
1 month ago
OMG science

Impossible' heatwave struck Philippines in April, scientists find

Record-breaking heatwave in the Philippines linked to the climate crisis, exacerbating existing humanitarian crises globally. [ more ]
2 months ago
OMG science

Global heating and urbanisation to blame for severity of UAE floods, study finds

Fossil fuels and concrete worsened recent record flooding in the UAE and Oman due to human-caused climate disruption.
Downpours in El Nino years became 10-40% heavier, turning roads into rivers, causing 23 deaths and substantial damage.
Cloud seeding was not a significant factor in the extreme rainfall event; the main cause was attributed to global heating from burning fossil fuels. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

Red alert': last year was hottest on record by clear margin, says UN report

The world is close to breaching the 1.5C global heating limit
2023 was the hottest year on record by a clear margin, breaking multiple records for key climate indicators. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

Are we stressing the wrong metrics for climate change?

Climate change needs urgent attention and improved communication.
Distinguishing between global heating and warming is crucial for understanding climate change. [ more ]
#global heating
6 months ago

This may be our last chance': Cop28 talks enter final phase

The Cop28 UN climate summit warns that the next few days may be the last chance to keep global heating within safe limits.
Negotiations at the summit are focused on the question of whether to phase out fossil fuels, with some countries calling for a resolution while others are against it. [ more ]
6 months ago

What happens if the 1.5C target for global heating is missed?

The world's most ambitious climate target of limiting global heating to 1.5C is under threat.
Abandoning this target would have significant implications for the planet and its inhabitants. [ more ]
6 months ago

Climate: What is the global stocktake? DW 12/05/2023

The UN global stocktake report warns that the window of opportunity to address climate change is rapidly closing.
The report highlights that the world is far off track from meeting the goal of limiting global heating set in the 2015 Paris Agreement. [ more ]
6 months ago

Climate collapse in real time': UN head Antonio Guterres urges Cop28 to act

UN secretary-general warns of climate collapse in real time.
2023 is projected to be the hottest year ever recorded. [ more ]
6 months ago

The climate crisis explained in 10 charts

Carbon dioxide levels are at their highest in 4 million years.
Methane emissions have surged since 2007, contributing to global heating.
2023 is projected to be the hottest year on record. [ more ]
7 months ago

The climate emergency really is a new type of crisis consider the triple inequality' at the heart of it | Adam Tooze

By 2070, 30% of the world's population will live in places with an average temperature above 29C.
The regions most affected by global heating are also expected to experience the most rapid population growth.
The lowest-earning 50% of the world population only account for 12% of total emissions. [ more ]
6 months ago

This may be our last chance': Cop28 talks enter final phase

The Cop28 UN climate summit warns that the next few days may be the last chance to keep global heating within safe limits.
Negotiations at the summit are focused on the question of whether to phase out fossil fuels, with some countries calling for a resolution while others are against it. [ more ]
6 months ago

What happens if the 1.5C target for global heating is missed?

The world's most ambitious climate target of limiting global heating to 1.5C is under threat.
Abandoning this target would have significant implications for the planet and its inhabitants. [ more ]
6 months ago

Climate: What is the global stocktake? DW 12/05/2023

The UN global stocktake report warns that the window of opportunity to address climate change is rapidly closing.
The report highlights that the world is far off track from meeting the goal of limiting global heating set in the 2015 Paris Agreement. [ more ]
6 months ago

Climate collapse in real time': UN head Antonio Guterres urges Cop28 to act

UN secretary-general warns of climate collapse in real time.
2023 is projected to be the hottest year ever recorded. [ more ]
6 months ago

The climate crisis explained in 10 charts

Carbon dioxide levels are at their highest in 4 million years.
Methane emissions have surged since 2007, contributing to global heating.
2023 is projected to be the hottest year on record. [ more ]
7 months ago

The climate emergency really is a new type of crisis consider the triple inequality' at the heart of it | Adam Tooze

By 2070, 30% of the world's population will live in places with an average temperature above 29C.
The regions most affected by global heating are also expected to experience the most rapid population growth.
The lowest-earning 50% of the world population only account for 12% of total emissions. [ more ]
moreglobal heating
6 months ago

Cop28: King Charles warns of vast, frightening experiment' on natural world

King Charles warns of dangerous climate experiment
Leaders urged to take action at Cop28 summit [ more ]
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